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Women's (Virtual) Summer Bible Study 2020

Our Summer Women's Bible study will begin in July. It will be a virtual Bible study online using Zoom. You may participate on Wednesday evenings and/or Sunday mornings (see options below). The dates are 7/1, 7/8, 7/15, 7/22, and 7/29 for the Wednesday night study. The Sunday morning option will be 7/5, 7/12, 7/19, 7/26 and 8/2.

We will still be offering a short devotional on Wednesday evenings that all women are welcome to attend. The topics of the devotionals will correlate with the study of the book of Ruth.


What are we studying?

We will be doing a short weekly Bible Study through the book of Ruth. The Bible study is by Tim Chester from The Good Book Company.  See the link below for more information about the book.  

There are several options for the study:

OPTION A: Attend a small group discussion via Zoom on Wednesday evenings after the devotional.  We will try our best to keep the same discussion groups each week. The discussion will last for about 30-40 minutes and will end about 8:30 pm.

OPTION B: Attend a small group discussion on Sunday morning during the Sunday School hour, from 9:10 am to 10:15 am. There will not be a devotional.  The devotional from Wednesday will be recorded and you will have the option to listen to it on your own. The Sunday morning discussion groups will be able to meet for longer (about 60 mins) because there is no devotional.

OPTION C: If you don't want to commit to attending the Bible study, we would still invite you to join us to listen to the weekly devotional on Wednesday evenings. There will be no homework or small group discussion for those who still want to continue to listen to the devotional on Wednesday.  No registration or action required.

How do I pick up the Bible study book?

BibleStudy Book Box.jpg

LOCATION APick up a book from Wintersburg Church.  The books are located in a small basket by the front desk of the admin building.  The church building is open Monday-Thursday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.

LOCATION B: Pick up a book in the Tustin/Irvine area. Pick up dates and times are to be determined.

LOCATION C: Pick up a book in the Fountain Valley/Huntington Beach area.  Pick up dates and times are to be determined.

OPTION D: You can order the book on your own via booksellers like,, the Good Book Company, etc. Just be careful to confirm that it is the same exact book that we are using: ISBN # 9781905564910.

If none of these options work for you, please let us know and we can figure out other ways to get you a book.

How do I register?

You can click here or the link below to register. Or, send an email to Kristin Gong with your above option choices.

There is no registration fee for the Virtual Summer Women's Bible study, however if you would like to make a donation to the Women's Ministry to cover the cost of books, please let us know.

We hope you are able to join us!  Please contact Kristin Gong at or Cami Chang at if you have any questions.

Earlier Event: March 1
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